
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October Field Trip

This is our third field trip for this school year. The kids and I both really look forward to these learning opportunities. Today it was all about the farm. We took a hayride into the farm's cow pasture and the cows came right up and let the kids feed them. They had some unique milking cows and one in particular that was absolutely huge.

After the hayride we were able to see a demonstration on how they feed the calves. This baby calf drank a 1/2 gallon of milk in less than 3 minutes. Ava Mae wanted to take this adorable calf home.
Until she saw this kitten ... then she wanted to take him home instead.

I don't know that Devin was as impressed as the girls were with the cows but, he was super excited to take a run through the corn maze. By the end of the field trip he had gone through the maze two more times with his friends.

We rounded out our day with a picnic - enjoying the company of friends. It was a great day on the farm with perfect fall weather!

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