
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

10 Days to Christmas

Today was Ava Mae's Ballet Class Christmas Party ... she was able to do her favorite thing - play dress up in fun ballet costumes and eat junk food and having her best friend in her ballet class well, that just makes it even more fun!

The day did not go exactly as planned - we were going to participate in a service project but, I woke up this morning just not feeling like we needed another morning out of the house this week. I prayed about it last night and this is the response I received in the form of a Dove candy message that Devin gave me first thing this morning (it was in his Advent treat bag).

It was nice to have a slow start to our day and I was finally able to squeeze in a much over due trip to the grocery store. It had been over two weeks since I had a big shop and we were running out of most necessitys.

Tonight we enjoyed family night and watching one of our favorite Christmas movies - "Santa Claus - The Movie". And, let me just say ... I can't believe we have just ten days until Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. oh i like that nice little message.
    we took a few days off from our activities too. i had too much stuff in the last few days but tonight we are back on track.
