
Saturday, December 4, 2010

21 Days to Christmas

Today it was all hands on deck to prepare for the Christmas Party we were hosting for our Sunday School class. We cleaned, rearranged furniture, grocery shopped, and picked up the Honey Baked Ham.

The party was so much fun ... it is so nice to spend quality time with these couples outside of church. Everyone provided side dishes for tonight's dinner and it was all delicious. I enjoyed hearing how God had blessed each family this year and the sweet devotion that my friend Amanda prepared. Our ornament exchange was hilarious and I was really happy with the ornament we "stole"! The running joke of the night was "Nothing says Happy Birthday Jesus like ... " insert there - a cow on ice skates, a snow covered house, a 60's jukebox. ;)

So thankful for our new church home and these wonderful couples - definitely one of our blessings from God this year!

1 comment:

  1. oh how fun! I love ornament exchanges. I love to add one new ornament to the tree each year. This year it was more than one but we all made felt ornaments our first night of our Christmas Activity Tree.
    So which picture is the one of the ornament you "stole"? lol
