
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

We had a wonderful Christmas! The kids slept in until 8AM, which was so nice being my husband and I did not make it to bed until after 1AM. We had a lazy morning that started with a big breakfast followed by a reading from the book of Luke. Then we all took turns opening gifts - allowing time between each round for the kids to focus on the gift they had just received. It was so nice and kept the kids from getting overwhelmed.

For the first time since the late 1800's Atlanta had a "White Christmas". The snow started around Noon and it was so beautiful to just sit and watch come down.

Our day finished up with a dessert buffet - a family who we are good friends with us braved the snowy roads to join us. We had so much fun opening gifts, snacking on desserts, having a short devotion followed by singing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus. Our night ended with an impromptu snow ball fight in our driveway.

It was a beautiful day - celebrating the birth of our Savior with family and friends.

Now it is time for some much needed rest! Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night!

1 comment:

  1. I came across your site through the teaching/homeschool section of Picketfence and thought I would share a creative writing site for kids (and adults) that I have just set up - come and see the "I Wonder Chronicles for literacy and creativity" - use the prompts and add to the wonder!

    more here:
