
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blissful Holiday!

Today it is back to our normal routine ... schooling, ballet, tutoring, Wednesday Night church and soon, baseball.

I have to say the last 12 days have been blissful! It was so nice having my husband home the whole time and enjoying family night - every night.

(pictured above my husband and the kids making homemade rootbeer)

We loved having a snow day with no where to go and nothing to do but, play outside. Days like these make me yearn to live out in the middle of no where but, I know that a love for that type of life would be short - we would miss being minutes from ballet, church and, our friends!

So, for now, it is back to our crazy life! Already looking forward to winter break!


  1. Hey, Alecia. I just came over from facebook and have been enjoying catching up a bit with your family. Love the pictures.
