
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snowpocalypse 2011 {Day 4}

It is now Day 4 of Snowpocalypse 2011 here in Atlanta ... the public schools will be closed again tomorrow making it officially a full week off of school for them. So thankful we homeschool and can continue on - we would much prefer to have time off when it is sunny and warm outside! Though we did enjoy again some playtime out in the snow - I think my kids are becoming less enthralled with the whole idea as more of the snow turns into thick chunks of ice.

(These pictures were taken today ... not much melting going on.)

Today it was all about the ice ... we knocked down some of the icicles hanging from our gutters to take a closer look,

then we created a snow village with icicles and ice sheets - complete with a lit candle (thanks to our friend Robyn for this great idea),
and while an out and about for lunch we even took time to look at a fountain near our home which was now an ice fountain.

So thankful my husband had the ability to work from home this week ... the roads are so icy. Even roads that have been "de-iced" and plowed are icy again from the melting and then refreezing that occurs each night.

1 comment:

  1. The public schools around this part of Alabama just went back today. I'd rather take time off from school when it's warmer too, and so would the kids!
