
Thursday, February 17, 2011

February Field Trip

This was our seventh field trip for the school year ... one my kids were really looking forward to. Can you guess where?

The World of Coca Cola

I think my kids were in it for all the free coke samples at the end ... I have a feeling Ava Mae drank her weight in Coca Cola beverages from all over the world. We also tried out the super cool Mix It Up Coke Machine that allows you to customize your Coca Cola drink with lots of mix ins. My favorite was Orange Coke.

Afterward, lunch out at an iconic Atlanta restaurant - The Varsity.

I can't believe just three field trips left in our school year ...


  1. how fun & exciting! that would be the coolest field trip for me.

  2. looks like you guys had a great time! we were all on the search for the "gross" coke. Enjoy your next 3 trips.
