
Monday, February 7, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays {26 - 45}

26. snuggling with Ava Mae in the morning hours before my older kids wake up

27. Chick-Fil-A

28. the sounds of my husband playing piano

29. rain and not snow

30. a great speaker at our homeschool meeting

31. watching my daughter Lexi do ballet

32. the excitement in Ava Mae's face over receiving a pair of ice skates from our friends

33. finding a brand new tea set at a thrift store

34. tea party with my girls

35. rehearsing beautiful worship songs

36. finding Father/Daughter Dance dresses

37. finding one of those dresses on a clearance rack for $10

38. warm boots on a wet rainy day

39. breakfast out with my dear friend, Tammy

40. visiting with homeschool friends at drop off and pick up at Timothy

41. Devin's super cool derby car design

42. completing both kids derby cars two weeks prior to the race

43. warm sunshine on my face after several rainy days

44. my husband stepping up to be Devin's baseball team's assistant coach

45. hearing Ava Mae's taped response to "what is the gospel" in church on Sunday


  1. I like your list. "Warm boots on a rainy day"... the little things we sometimes take for granted. In light of our recent weather, I've really been burdened for the less fortunate. We have so much to be thankful for.

  2. what wonderful blessings.
    cuddling with the little one is always precious.
