
Monday, February 21, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays {46 - 70}

I missed posting last week so I am adding two weeks of "gifts". I know I did not catch everything from two weeks ago as I had my list in two different locations and only found one of them.

46. lunch with a homeschool friend

47. playtime for our children during said lunch

48. making homemade Valentine's and addressing lots of cards

49. sinus medication

50. warm tea

51. spring like weather

52. hosting a fun Valentine's Day party

53. my husband cooking dinner for me for Valentine's Day

54. beautiful flowers

55. making white chocolate fondue with the kids

56. warm rays of sun on my face

57. lots of laughter from the backyard as the kids enjoy a day outside

58. field trip to World of Coca Cola

59. having my husband go along with us on the field trip

60. a homeschool retreat

61. driving up to the retreat with one of my closest friends

62. awesome speaker at the retreat

63. lots of quiet time

64. great conversations with several homeschool moms whose children are older than mine

65. a beautiful full moon

66. stopping off at the outlet malls on the way home from the retreat

67. helping my friend pick out new furniture and rugs at two of my favorite stores - Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware

68. smiling faces when I arrived home

69. enjoying dinner with my husband and kids after a weekend away

70. hearing all the fun adventures the kids had while I was gone

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