
Monday, March 7, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays {91 - 109}

A friend of mine just reached her 1,000th gift post ... I have really enjoyed reading all of her "gifts" over the past year and looking forward to continuing to chronicle mine.

91. my parents and three of my siblings coming to our home for a visit

92. beautiful weather for their visit

93. enjoying great food and conversation together

94. my family getting to see Lexi perform three of her ballet dances from her upcoming performance

95. fun jam session - with my sister Emily on guitar and vocals, Lexi on piano, Devin on base, Ava Mae on tambourine and vocals and my husband on guitar

96. promises of another visit with family very soon

97. praying friends!

98. my sweet friend Meredith who always calls and offers to pick Ava Mae up for ballet

99. wonderful AAA Auto Club tech who came to my home when my car would not start and instead of calling for a tow truck fixed a fuel line stoppage himself {saving me lots of time and money}

100. interesting study on the civil war in the Georgia History class I teach

101. a fun day of baking

102. getting to meet and hear a wonderful gospel message from a missionary family from Lithuania in our Sunday Bible Study Class

103. our church's heart for sending out people on short term mission trips

104. my husband making a decision our family will take a mission trip this year {still praying about where that will be}

105. watching our cats play with a ball of yarn

106. watching all three of my kids swinging on our playset

107. when an issue arose with our new ottoman having the sales person call me to let me know she had found a new one clear across the state that she was having shipped to me

108. another great Sunday evening bible study with friends

109. hearing the sweet prayer requests from the young girls in our bible study

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