
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"My Child My Princess"

I know I have said this before but, we really are blessed to be a part of an amazing ballet school. Our director is one of the most talented people I know. Her heart for all of her students is just so sweet.

This past weekend the school put on a new ballet -- an adaptation from a book by Beth Moore "My Child My Princess". Our girls performed in front of a packed audience - lots of families with their little girls dressed as princesses. Lexi and Ava Mae both performed beautifully. Lexi had three dances and Ava Mae had one - though she also got a featured part as a mouse.

I love watching Lexi's technique improve each year! We are so proud of both of our girls ... here are a few pictures from the performance.


  1. WOW! that is so awesome. I would have loved to see that.
    The girls look beautiful

  2. Those costumes were amazing! I am moving to Atlanta just to be part of that school. We have a ballet school but nothing like that. Awesome!

  3. Wow wonderful dancing i love the all dancing girls and her dance.

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  4. How cute girls and her dance steps i love the all movements and activities.

    Travel Links

  5. I would have loved to see that.
    The girls look thanks
