
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Happy 10th Birthday, Devin!

Today Devin turned 10 years old ... hard to believe how fast those years have flown by! Devin has always been one of my easiest children ever, when it comes to birthdays. While my girls have their parties planned out for months ahead of time, Devin always wants to keep things simple. So, it was dinner out at his favorite Mexican restaurant {Pico} and a cookie cake from our favorite local bakery. His big gift from us was tickets to a Braves game for him, a good friend, and my husband. Devin is looking forward to that on Monday night.

Devin, I love the sweet, funny, smart young man you are growing into! Just in the last six months I have realized how much you are maturing ... our once silly conversations about baseball, friends, and your pets have blossomed into discussions about God, life, and baseball {though now those conversations are more about team management - statistics - and various facts you have memorized on baseball legends}.
I appreciate your willingness to always help out, the fact that you are always your sisters' protector, and how you work hard to be a friend to everyone {even with other boys who are not as nice}.

Looking forward to seeing you play another year of baseball ... keep throwing those strikes and being the "animator" that everyone loves to watch on the mound and field!

Can't wait to see what God has in store for you this year!


  1. Very Very Happy Birth Day dude . yummy cake and lovely posting
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  2. Roberta from the Crew (Pondering on the Prairie) stopping by to say hi. I like your blog--cute pictures too! Am now following you too. Blessings
