Sunday, August 14, 2011

"Not" Back to School - Student Photos {2011 - 2012}

Here are our official student photos for the 2011 - 2012 school year ...

Devin {4th Grade}

Lexi {3rd Grade}

Ava Mae {1st Grade}

Head on over to Heart of the Matter to see more "Not" Back to School - Student Photos.

Not Back to School Blog Hop


Nichole said...

Very cute! I love the frame.

Candace said...

I sure do like the frame idea! Great job. I think I might try that one next year... :)

Sennie said...

Great idea!! We might have to try that too :)

Valerie McClintick said...

Adorable frame idea!!

:) Valerie

Sharla said...

Great photos! I love the idea of the frame and I especially love the one of all of them together.

Theresa said...

I have a 4th grader and a 1st grader this year. We haven't started yet though. Your pictures are such a great idea.

Unknown said...

I like the frame photos! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful homeschool year! ;)

Stefanie said...

One day I'm going to remember to use a frame. What a beautiful bunch you have.

Nicole @Team Pipkin said...

what great photos. i love the black frame idea.

Kelly said...

Cute Cute Cute

Sam said...

What a fun idea! Cute kids :)

Dawn said...

What a creative way to take pictures.

Unknown said...

Haha! Creative!

Tori said...

I love the frame idea! Cute "class"

In Everything said...

very creative frame idea;)

Kelly said...

OOH! I love the picture frame idea!

Pebblekeeper ~ Angie said...

Very Sweet - love the frame!

{leah} said...

I love the idea of the frame. I might have to do that for next year.

The pictures are really great!!

Have a happy year!! :)

Jamie said...

Stoppin gby from the NOT BACK TO SCHOOL HOP,your frame photos seem to be a HIT with us mamas.Now when you visit our blogs and see that just remember you were the one who showed us,lol!!!!

Crisc said...

All I have to say is ADORABLE!!!

Janelle said...

Great pics!! I love this idea and have been planning to do it, but never thought about school pics!! maybe next year!!

Happy Homeschooling!
Stopped by from NBTS blog hop!!

KarenW said...

How fun!!

Unknown said...

Love the pictures with the frames!! I am no professional photographer so I just stood my kids against the wall and snapped a quick picture. =)

We will be getting professional pics done next month.

New follower! Feel free to check us out.

Slimming Down in Texas with Plexus said...

adorable...I hope you don't mind if I steal the picture frame idea!! :)

Niki Jolene said...

Totally sharing this with all my scrapbookin friends!


Samantha said...

Love the frame idea! Why did I think of that? Beautiful kids in the frame too. The group shot is esp nice. I love that!

Catherine Anne said...

Cute Idea! Happy School Year~

Danielle said...

My what too-stinkin-cute kiddos you have! :)

Thanks for stopping by and joining over at my place!


from Raising Little Rhodies

Our Peculiar Lives said...

Oh those are fabulous photos! I've been wanting to do the frame idea for awhile and never get around to it - going to try harder! Following you from the crew blog hop! :)

Lori said...

I love those! The frame idea is so cute! Thanks for stopping by from the Crew, now I am following back! I am just loving meeting all my crew mates!


Unknown said...

I love the idea of a frame!

Anonymous said...

Using the frame in our pictures is such a great idea!

Lynn @ TDHGP said...

Love this idea! Thanks for sharing.