
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

TOS Crew Review: Book - How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Kids by Rachael Carman

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Recently our Sunday School class at church did a series on parenting so when I was given the opportunity to review the book How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Kids published by Apologia, I thought it would be the perfect book to read and go along with what I was already studying - I was not disappointed!

Author, Rachael Carman, is a homeschool mom of seven children {ranging in age from 5 to 18} who pours out her "heart" in this book - sharing stories of her own struggles and triumphants in raising her children. This was the perfect book for me to read before starting our school year. So many truths that I needed to hear again. And, a reminder of why we homeschool {hint: it is not all about the curriculum we choose, the subjects we teach, or being the "perfect" mom}.

So what does the acronym H.E.A.R.T. stand for {there is a chapter dedicated to each letter}~

H - Have a heart for the things of God
E - Enrich your marriage
A - Accept your kids
R - Release them to God
T - Teach them the truth
How well do you really know your kids? What has God shown you about who they are and who they will become? He has sent these children into your home at this specific time for His glorious purposes. Indeed, you have been invited on the adventure of a lifetime, a journey on which you will see walls fall, seas parted, and giants slain. You don't need special skills or training for this journey - you need only to seek God and hold tight to His mighty hand.

Each chapter spoke to my heart ... I was reminded that our children are a gift from God and we are given such a short period of time with them. We need to use that time to seek God's wisdom to see what he would have us teach them. It is always good to be reminded that our homeschool journey needs to be God's plan not my plan. That sometimes God's plan is not going to be easy but, each of our children are one-of-a-kind and I need to trust God as he knows better than I know what they need. I think this book will remain on my bedside all school year!

I highly recommend this book for both homeschooling and non-homeschooling Christian families. I think it would be a great book to share with your book club, Sunday School class, or homeschool group. I love the "Heart Checkup" questions at the end of each chapter! I know I will be buying quite a few of these books to share with friends.

To purchase your own copy of How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Children by Rachael Carman head on over to Apologia. The book is just $13.00.

Would you like to read what others thought of this book? Head on over to the TOS Crew Blog to read what other crew members thought.

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Disclaimer: I am reviewing this product on behalf of the TOS Crew. I received no compensation, other than a free copy of this book, for the writing of this review. The contents of this review express my personal opinion of the book.


  1. Great review, Alicia! I loved the book, too! Thanks again for the wonderful giveaway! Lori

  2. I liked your review and have been thinking about using this in a study with the (few) other moms at my church who homeschool. You think other moms would like it, too?
