
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Totino's "Learn a Ton when School is Fun" Sweepstakes and GIVEAWAY

Our family, collects Box Tops for Education all year long to help enhance the learning experience kids receive at the one day a week enrichment school our children attend. It is amazing what Box Tops for Education can purchase to help improve a child's school environment and make learning fun.

This school year, Totino´s® is giving away one million Bonus Box Tops (equivalent to $100,000) to help bring fun ideas to life both inside and outside of the classroom, through the "Learn a Ton when School is Fun" sweepstakes:
  • This school year, four participating schools in the Box Tops for Education (BTFE) program will each win 250,000 Bonus Box Tops, equivalent to $25,000, from Totino´s to help fund a fun project at their school. Visit to view official sweepstakes rules.
  • You can start, or continue, to earn cash for your kid´s school by collecting Box Tops coupons from hundreds of products, including Totino´s
  • This back-to-school season, Totino´s® Party Pizza® and Pizza Rolls® Snacks will feature double Box Tops on select varieties, to help you earn even more for your kid´s school!
Fun is an essential part of learning. Continue to help make your kid´s learning environment more fun and exciting by taking advantage of these simple opportunities from Totino´s - enter the "Learn a Ton when School is Fun" sweepstakes for your chance to win 250,000 Bonus Box Tops, and serve up a quick and delicious after-school snack with Totino´s Party Pizza and Pizza Rolls Snacks {one of my kids favorite mid-day snacks}, while collecting double Box Tops from each.

Giveaway! Enter to win a Totino's prize pack.

Thanks to Totino's one LUCKY Joy in the Everyday reader will win a Totino´s "Learn a Ton when School is Fun" prize pack which includes: A Brain Quest Smart! Game, Micro Rubik´s® Cube Key Holder, Draw string backpack, Coupons for a free package of Totino´s Pizza Rolls Snacks, Totino´s Party Pizza and new Totino´s Pizza Stuffers.

This giveaway will run through August 25, 2011 at 11:59 PM. Winner will be drawn via on or about August 26, 2011. Winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to provide shipping information. Giveaway is limited to US residents only who are 18 and older. If winner fails to respond within the 48 hour time frame, I will choose a different winner. Mandatory entry is required; extra entries are optional. Be sure to leave your email in the mandatory comment or ensure that it's available in your public profile. If you win, I need to be able to reach you!

Mandatory Entry: Leave a comment telling me, What type of fun project you would use the 250,000 Bonus Box Tops ($25,000 value) to fund if they won the Totino´s "Learn a Ton when School is Fun" sweepstakes?" or What do you do to make learning fun?

Extra entries: Each action is worth one entry, and you must leave a separate comment for each action. If you've already liked or subscribed, just leave a comment letting me know. With regard to actions on Facebook, please do not leave a message about this contest on sponsor's wall if you opt to Like them. Just leave me the comment letting me know that you completed that entry!
  • Share this giveaway on Facebook. Please come back and leave a link in the comment for this entry. You can do this once per day. Leave a separate comment each time if you choose to do this daily.

Disclosure: The information and prize pack has been provided by Totino´s through MyBlogSpark.

UPDATE: Congratulations to Lori over at Morning Glories and Moonflowers for winning the prize pack. Winner was chosen by number generator which gave me the number 11.


  1. What a fun giveaway! My boys would be asking for more science. Especially chemistry - and some Lego Robotics!

  2. I've liked Totino's on Facebook as Catherine S.
    Brindamorr AT aol DOT com

  3. I would use the 250,000 Bonus Box Tops to give as many children as possible an Apple iPad to make learning fun :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

  4. Subscribed to joy in the everyday in reader

  5. If I could use it personally I'd buy a microscope, science kits, a globe and math curriculum for our homeschool. If I had to donate it, I'd give it to our library that is great with helping homeschoolers.

    SeekingHim at gmail dot com

  6. shared on FB

  7. I would use the Bonus Box Tops to help children with autism. My daughter struggles with it and iPads are a wonderful tool. Bring on the iPads, please!:) Lori

  8. I am a subscriber of Joy in the Everyday!:) Lori

  9. I just shared on facebook. My name is Lori Greber Drake... Lori

  10. I "liked" Totino's on facebook!:) Lori (Lori Greber Drake)

  11. I would fund our art docent program and start a science docent program at my girls schools

  12. WOW! The possibilities! I'd want laptops for the kiddos for starters.

  13. I'm a new GFC Follower and friend from the Crew. I'd enjoy a visit/follow at

  14. IDK what all would count but if I could I would give it to our library, because we are always there.

  15. I am now following you, and I'm from the Crew.

  16. Thank you so much! I am super excited!!!:) Lori
