
Friday, September 2, 2011

And They're Off ...

to what Ava Mae calls her "real school" apparently what we do at home does not count.

Today the kids started back to Timothy Classes ... Chemistry, Forensic Science, History, Art, PE, Guitar - just to name a few {it was also their first official day of school for this year}. They had a blast and talked my ear off this afternoon telling me all the fun things they will do this semester!

This semester I am teaching "The Art of Rubberstamping" - my plan is to try and share each week with you what I have taught in class. Lots of fun stamp and paper projects coming up for the holidays!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! Hope they had a good day. And can't wait to hear all that you learned in your class. =)

    Happy Homeschooling!

    Jen @
