
Friday, October 21, 2011

Annual Halloween Party {2011}

Today we hosted our small homeschool group for our annual Halloween Party. It was another beautiful fall day and the 25 kids had a great time playing, snacking, and participating in the costume contest.
{My friend, Jamie, getting all of our kids ready for the group shot ... so nice to have a professional photographer in our group!}

{The judging begins ... my friend, Christi, once again graciously agreed to be the judge.}
{Our winners ... Princess Leah and Erragon}

So blessed to have such great families that we get to do homeschool life with!

{Some of my dearest friends!!! Three of which are pregnant ... so excited to be having so many new babies in our group. My friend Rebecca is actually past her due date - hoping her new baby arrives soon!}

{Ava Mae and her best friend, Maddie Bell, are Rockettes this year!}

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