
Friday, October 14, 2011

Our Week In Review - October 14th

Six weeks done and behind us ... other than my medical issues things have been smooth sailing. On Sunday, Devin and Lexi helped lead worship in our church by singing with the Amen Choir. Just love hearing the kids sing in church. This week the kids and I studied New Amsterdam and we learned how the Dutch people brought cows over to America. We did a fun experiment and made butter from whipping cream.
{After about 15 minutes of shaking ... delicious homemade butter.}
Ava Mae finished memorization of her October poem "If I Knew" by Maud Wyman and she loves it when we record or video her ...

Lexi has lots of dancing to do this December. She was cast as Cindy Loo in her ballet school's performance of "How the Grinch Found Christmas". Along with her extra practices each week for her solo {yesterday it was 2 1/2 hours} she is learning five new dances she will perform with her classes. She is exhausted many days during the week but, loving every minute of her rehearsals and dance classes.

Devin has been my helper this year in homeschooling ... he loves tutoring the girls in math, a subject God has gifted him in.
Devin also enjoys making lunch for all of us - he has opened his own sandwich shop in our kitchen and is getting pretty good at using the cooktop. On the medical front, my endoscopy went well and revealed the cause of the horrendous stomach pain - ulcers. Lots of them ... ugghh! Yesterday I found out that the main cause is an infection in my stomach lining - more than likely exacerbated by the raw foods and healthy smoothies I was doing for about two months. Glad to have a diagnosis ... not looking forward to the two week treatment - I will be pretty sick for those two weeks because of the drugs I have to take. Then a long road back to getting my digestive system healthy again.

So that was our week ... hard to believe our first six weeks are done. In another six weeks we will be at Thanksgiving.


  1. oh no! i will say a prayer for your healing. i hope you feel better soon!squiter

  2. I dealt with ulcers back when I was about 19. Not fun. I learned that carbonated drinks, caffeine, and greasy foods were the very worst things that caused flare-ups. Made me break some bad habits, but it seemed at the time to be a very long process to healing. Hope it improves quickly for you!!
