
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ava Mae's Baptism

On this past Sunday, Ava Mae was baptized in a beautiful service at our church.

She has been looking forward to this day for a very long time ...

{Pictured above ... Ava Mae on the big screen sharing her testimony. Below ... video clip from baptism.}

We are thankful to God for her decision to follow Him and for the heart He has given her for Him.
It was a very special day made more special by our dear friends who came out to celebrate this momentous occasion.

{Pictured above: Ava Mae with Coach JJ ... one of Ava Mae's favorite adults who came to pray over Ava Mae during her baptism.}

Your love for Jesus Christ
Shines through in all you do
For there are many that will see
The hope of Christ in you
We thank the Lord for you
For bringing you to this place
To be baptized in His precious name
And to walk on in His grace.


  1. Oh how wonderful! She is so precious. God Bless her little heart...may she always turn to the Lord in good times & bad. Always seeking his guidance.

  2. Such a wonderful blessing! Makes my heart happy!
