
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12 Days : Stargazing

Tonight our Genesis TEN:10 Group went on a stargazing fieldtrip to watch the Geminids Meteor Shower. It was a great turnout with perfect weather {clear skies and temps hovering around the 40's}.

It was nice sitting and talking with my friend, Tammy, while our younger girls slept and our older kids ran around - occasionally looking skyward to see if they could see anything. {I think our husbands may have been more into the stargazing. They even gave a great presentation later in the evening pointing out all the stars and constellations we could see in the sky.}

My friend, JJ, who organized the night picked a perfect location away from the lights of the city. Her son, gave a great talk about the Star of Bethlehem.

That makes 3 fieldtrips for this month.

Earlier today, our Random Act of Christmas Kindness was to pass a gift card, to our favorite fast-food place {Chick-Fil-A}, to a customer as they were walking into the restaurant. We are having so much fun with these acts of kindness. I was telling my friend tonight that though we thought we would be blessing others - it has truly been a blessing to us this holiday season.

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