
Saturday, December 10, 2011

15 Days : Gingerbread House Making

Advent seems to be going by at such a fast clip ... hoping as our schedules become a little less busy that it will seem to slow down.
{Love the concentration on every one's face in this photograph - designing a gingerbread house is apparently intense work}
Today we made our traditional gingerbread house. Another fun activity we look forward to each year. Lexi and Ava Mae each drew out and planned their design for their side of the house while my husband and Devin just winged it. I think it turned our pretty cute and it smells so good ... we have had to shoo the cats away from it several times today.

This evening we wrapped all of our gifts for the kids at the daycare center where we are helping with their Christmas party on Wednesday. My husband and the kids all practiced the songs they will be performing - Lexi is playing piano while Devin and Daune will both play their guitars and Ava Mae will sing.
We received one of the sweetest responses today to one of our Random Acts of Christmas Kindness - after my daughter, Lexi, gave her the little gift and card the woman came over and gave Lexi a hug hug telling her how much that act had meant to her. So sweet!

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