
Monday, December 5, 2011

20 Days : The Nutcracker, a Special Visit, and RACK

Today our fieldtrip was to see the Georgia Ballet perform, The Nutcracker. You would think my girls would be "balleted" out but, they are always up for seeing this Christmas ballet. And, it was a nice culmination to our study of Tchaikovsky.

{It is always fun to do things with friends!}

We are also enjoying a visit from my brother. He coaches college football out in Iowa and it is a rare treat to see him! He is in Atlanta with another coach from their college recruiting football players. When he is not working, Ava Mae our cruise director has planned out every minute of his visit. There are stories to read, games to play, and piggy back rides to get. She even insisted on missing ballet class today. So glad my brother is such a good sport and a wonderful Uncle!!

{The girls made posters before my brother arrived at our home - they wanted to greet the coaches with signs supporting their team}

Our Random Act of Christmas Kindness {RACK} today was to pass out candy canes to fellow patrons in a restaurant we ate lunch at. The kids enjoyed wishing others Merry Christmas and the sweet responses they received. We hope we brightened each persons day!

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