
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Favorite Photos {2011}

Joining in on this fun link up party ... I was just going through all my pictures this morning on my computer. {I am going to do a slide show for New Year's Eve to show the kids of our year in review.} I could not narrow down my favorite photograph of the year to just one - it was between these two. Both of them were moments of such joy - one on a boat on the Gulf of Mexico at sunset in August and the other, in January of this year in our front yard after a major snowstorm.

What picture or pictures are your favorite from 2011? Join in the fun over at Rachel's blog - Finding Joy and see what everyone else is sharing.


  1. I love the difference between the photos and yet the sameness -- the joy found in both!

    Love that you joined!

    Blessings on your today!


  2. Looks like fun, can I borrow some of the snow in that pic? Thanks for joining up!

  3. I love the weather contrast like Rachel mentioned!! Fun. Thank you for sharing. I especially like the 2nd one - due to lack of snow this year - it makes me smile. ;)

  4. I just love the snow photo and the emotions it expresses!!

  5. It is fun to look back. Happy New Year!
