
Sunday, December 4, 2011

TOS Crew Review: ¡El Español Fácil!, Junior Level from Great Commission Languages

My 1st grade daughter, Ava Mae, attends Timothy one day a week {a program for homeschoolers offering supplemental and extra-curricular classes each semester}. One of her classes this past semester was Spanish. I was looking for a program that we could use at home which would reinforce what she was learning in class so I was so happy to be chosen to review ¡El Español Fácil! from Great Commission Languages.

The lessons were quite simple and exactly what we were looking for - conversational Spanish, which was what my daughter was learning. Each lesson has a short story that the student listens to on CD. One huge benefit for me was the audio CD - Ava Mae's Spanish teacher at Timothy sent home many sheets we could use but, without someone to pronounce many of the words - I was lost. It was nice to be able to listen to the conversations in the story and hear the correct pronunciation of each word - most of the conversations the words are repeated in English which made it easy to follow along. The audio CD also has each lessons vocabulary words to listen to.

After listening to the story there are various activities which go along with each lesson {even some lapbooking which we love} - you can choose to complete one or all of them. For Ava Mae, being she is reading and writing at only a 1st grade level I chose to have her complete activities that did not require her to read something.

Ava Mae enjoyed the lessons and even likened some of them to one of her favorite shows since she was 2 years old "Dora the Explorer".

Wondering if this program is right for your family ... take a look at the sample lessons here.

I think one of the best testimonies I can give about this program is watching my daughter able to converse with a Spanish speaking family the other day while we were out shopping.

¡El Español Fácil!, Junior Level is available to purchase from Great Commission Languages for $69.95. A great value compared to some of the foreign language programs we have priced.

Would you like to read what my fellow crew mates thought of The Great Commission Languages Program? Then head on over to the TOS Crew Blog.

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I am reviewing this product on behalf of the TOS Crew. I received no compensation, other than a free copy of ¡El Español Fácil!, Junior Level, for the writing of this review. The contents of this review express my personal opinion of the curriculum.

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