
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

Back in the saddle again ... Last week was our first back at homeschooling for the New Year. Thankfully, we had a good and easy transition back into doing school each day. It feels good to be halfway through our school year!

{Pictured above our Yule Log, an Irish tradition, we burned it each night until the Epiphany. Pictured below, we had a fun lunch with some homeschool friends on Friday - this is a picture of their new adorable puppy. She looks just like the Target dog.}

I enjoyed taking a week off from blogging though I did take care of some housekeeping issues for my blog in my downtime. I also got my Etsy store up and running {more on that in another post}.

{Pictured above, some Valentine crafting for a project in my Etsy store. Pictured below, Ava Mae's dress designing fun.}

This week all of our activities begin back ... that is probably the one thing I am not looking forward to. Don't get me wrong I love all the extra-curricular activities we are involved in but, it means late nights Monday - Thursday. Plus, tutoring one day a week and Timothy school on Friday's. It's all good though, right.

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