
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

TOS Crew Review : Math Rider


Math facts drills are not a fun activity here at our home for my two daughters {ages 9 and 7}. I decided I needed to find something fun for the girls to work with other than math sheets with columns of math facts that my son absolutely loved doing.

I was so happy to be selected to review a fun math facts game called Math Rider. The software is a fun game where a horse gallops off on a quest - each obstacle it must leap is a math fact. The faster your child types an answer the faster the horse goes through the quest. The game takes place in a magical land called the Land of Ray and your child rides on a horse named Shadow. My girls loved this - I mean what girl doesn't want to own a horse. We also loved the interactive part of the game where each quest revolved around a story.  Positive reinforcement occurs in the rewards that children earn during each quest for answering math facts correctly. I was also quiet pleased with the fact that getting an answer wrong did not lead to the game ending or "losing" which upsets my younger daughter - the horse just stops briefly and gives the correct answer to the math fact before galloping again to the next obstacle.


The part I love the most is that Math Rider is an intelligent game - meaning it learns what your child is struggling with, math fact wise, and drills those more than the ones your child easily knows the answer to. Here is a better explanation taken from Math Rider's website:

While the rider is playing, the game learns what the rider knows and what he or she still needs to practice. Every single response (or non-response) is stored in an internal database and statistically analysed by the software. In this way the program is able to custom-tailor to each rider, which questions are asked next. No repetitive drilling of random number facts the rider already knows – but real practice of what actually needs to be practiced!
Plenty of feedback is given on the rider’s mastery of each number fact and operation, including an innovative overview map of mastery for each number table. This is highly beneficial for both the rider and the parent/educator. You can see with one glance where your child is at and where he or she might need further assistance. Top challenges are also listed in a separate list box for further easy reference.
Clicking on a question brings up more information on it, including a visual representation as well as some detailed statistics.

My girls could not get enough of this game. Even my son, who has most of his math facts completely memorized enjoyed playing the game and seeing what quest he would be going on. I cannot think of a more fun way to practice math facts.

Math Rider is a good software game for ages 6 - 12 and retails for $47, though until February 15, 2012 you can purchase it for just $37 - directly from their website. The software is easily downloaded and installed {we downloaded and were on the game in a matter of minutes}. It supports multiple children - though each child is on their own quest, they do not play against each other, a plus in our house. :) And, I love companies that give you an opportunity to try before you buy ... Math Rider gives a free 7 day trial.

Would you like to read what my fellow crew mates thought of Math Rider? Then head on over to the TOS Crew Blog.
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Disclaimer: I am reviewing this product on behalf of the TOS Crew. I received no compensation, other than a trial copy of Math Rider, for the writing of this review. The contents of this review express my personal opinion of the software.

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