
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Summer Fun {2012}

I think I finally have our summer plans finalized ... as the kids get older I realize it is not as easy as just signing them up for a camp. There are auditions and try-outs to take into consideration before any plans can be finalized. With those things behind us {and final decisions made} here are our summer plans for 2012.

Devin will do travel baseball and my husband will coach the team. It is a commitment of twice a week practices and tournaments, on weekends through mid-July. Devin played on an All-Star team a few years ago during the summer and has been looking forward to travel ball since then.

Lexi auditioned for and was accepted into a summer program at the Georgia Ballet so she will be dancing there for most of June, four days a week. This was an exciting step for her. After the summer program is over we will have some decisions to make about where she will dance this fall.

Ava Mae has enjoyed her after-school soccer program at Timothy for the last few weeks. They have asked her, and one of her best friends, to play soccer this fall on a team. So, it is soccer camp for Ava Mae in June. Ava Mae has wanted to play soccer with her best friend for a very long time - so this is a dream come true for her.  She also wants to do ballet camp... we will have to see if that can get worked into our schedule.

In June, I will be hosting and teaching Camp Crafty Girls for the 4th year. Absolutely love this camp and the little girls who attend!! I have most of my ideas nailed down and registration has begun.

Then there is VBS at our church in June and all three kids want to attend Camp Winshape for one week in July.

It's going to be a busy summer but, we will still have time for friends. I imagine there will be plenty of swimming, picnics, and playdates. Then when everyone else heads back to school maybe a quick trip to the beach. Looking forward to it ... Summer 2012 here we come!


  1. Wow! It sounds like you have a jam packed summer! Glad you could find something for all 3 kids to do.

  2. We have a busy summer too - but it'll be fun! Following you from the crew - please follow me back!
