
Monday, April 16, 2012

TOS Crew Review : AIMS - Fabulous Fractions

Many times we have the opportunity to review a homeschool product at the perfect time. Just as my girls were both moving into fractions in their math books we were able to review Fabulous Fractions from AIMS Education Foundation, a non-profit organization that produces books and activities with amazing science and math learning experiences for grades Kindergarten - 9th grade.

Our book Fabulous Fractions, for grades 3rd - 5th, had twenty-two different activities to use - helping students understand fractions. My daughter Lexi is in 3rd grade and fractions in our curriculum had moved on this year to more difficult comparisons and word problems involving fractions. In the past, I had used the kitchen and measurements to help with fractions but, this books had some other great ideas that Lexi really enjoyed. The book comes with a CD with all the printables on it - though you can also just copy them from the book. I like having the option of both. Sometimes for me it is just easier to print something directly from my computer than to worry about photocopying.

We also received a set of Fractional Transparencies . A great hands on tool which helped Lexi "see" the fraction we were working with in her math book.

Fabulous Fractions is available as a soft cover book directly from AIMS Education Foundation for $21.95, or as a PDF download for $19.95. The Fractional Transparencies are available for $14.95. The book and transparencies can be used for several years {grades 3rd - 5th} - which is a huge plus for me when I look at a cost for supplemental materials. 

Would you like to read what my fellow crew mates thought of AIMS Education Foundation? Then head on over to the TOS Crew Blog.

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Disclaimer: I am reviewing this math supplement on behalf of the TOS Crew. I received no compensation, other than the Fabulous Fractions book and Fractional Transparencies from AIMS Education Foundation, for the writing of this review. The contents of this review express my personal opinion of the product.

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