
Friday, June 22, 2012

Our Summer ... So Far

Two words ... baseball and ballet. That has been our summer so far! Devin and Lexi are loving every minute of it! Ava Mae seems to even be enjoying all the time we spend together in the car shuttling Lexi back and forth to summer dance intensive {10+ hours a week}. I let Ava Mae pick the playlist from my iPod and we sing and chat for 2 hours each day.

All-Star summer baseball has been an experience ...some good, some bad but, Devin has thoroughly enjoyed it. Personally, I love the relationships he has formed with some of his teammates. And, we have some amazing families on our team that I have enjoyed hanging out with. Of course, there are always going to be bad calls by umpires and unruly fans but, the good experiences have definitely outweighed the bad. I did not think I would ever say this going into this season but, I may actually miss going to tournaments on the weekend, when it is all said and done. The things I won't miss - having my husband stressed out before games about coaching, the amount of laundry baseball creates, or the combination of late nights and early mornings for tournament games. On to Districts this weekend for us ... Go Knights!!

Lexi has one more week of summer dance intensive before her Showcase performance.  She is learning so much and I have already noticed a marked improvement in some of her technique.  I love the fact that each day when I pick her up {after she has danced for six hours} she has only wonderful stories to tell ... no drama! A nice change from our last year at our current ballet school.  A huge bonus has been that one of Devin's teammates has an older sister who dances at this studio and Lexi and Ava Mae have just fallen in love with her. This girl was so sweet and helped Lexi immensely her first week at summer dance intensive - when she knew no one.  What a wonderful Christ-like example for my girls to look up to. Lexi is really wanting to continue dancing at this new studio and would like to dance in the company. We will see - lots of prayer and discussion on the part of my husband and I before that decision is made. I am excited to see the Showcase in a week!

So that is our summer so far, great experiences though, I am looking forward to a more relaxing July. We have lots of friends who are missing us and we are missing them! Time to spend some days catching up at the pool.

I am linking up this post to the Homeschool Mother's Journal ... stop in over there to see what other homeschool families are up to this summer.

1 comment:

  1. I can sympathize we have four ball games a week! We do take the summer off from dance though. Have fun and stay cool! I'm stopping by from the Hoggatt Homeschool via HSMJ.
