
Monday, September 17, 2012

Week In Review : Our First Field Trip of the Year and Co-Op Class

Last week we had our first field trip of the school year. Jenny Cote {a children's author} came to speak to our homeschool group about creative writing. Devin and Lexi really enjoyed hearing her. She gave some great tips and the kids took good notes. Lexi has already begun work on her short story.

We also were able to purchase one of Mrs. Cote's books and she autographed it for Devin and Lexi.

Another first for last week, our History and Science Co-Op with friends had its first official day {the weather was so nice we were able to do schoolwork on the screened in porch}! Looking forward to doing school with our good friends. It really makes sense to combine teaching when you can. For us it works well as we are doing the same curriculum this year, My Father's World - Countries and Cultures. I am teaching the History component and my friend, Tammy, is teaching Science. While our History will focus on different countries around the world this year, Science will focus on Ecosystems.

I was finally able to get around to ironing Lexi and Ava Mae's new patches from last year on to their vest/sash.  I use to sew these on but, it takes forever, so ironing it is.

Leave you with this parting shot ... how we use our time when out and about waiting on an activity to finish up.

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