
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Our Christmas Wish

I know what you are thinking ... it is not even Halloween, why are we talking about Christmas. Hang in there friends, let me explain. You know how much our family enjoys being outwardly focused at Christmas. Last year we spent 24 days doing Random Acts of Kindness - surprising strangers with some Christmas cheer. I was all prepared to do that again this year.

Then, a few weeks ago an opportunity for hosting an orphan from Latvia for 4 - 5 weeks over the Christmas season was brought to my attention through a post by a friend on Facebook. I immediately went to the website and spent over an hour learning about this amazing program. Later that evening, when my husband came home from work I shared with him what I had found. He immediately, without hesitation, said "let's do it".

A week or two went by and we prayed ... and I kept trying to put this all out of my mind. Yet, I was continually awoken during the middle of the night with this opportunity on my mind. I know it was God's way of saying "trust me". So it is with great trust in God and a huge leap of faith that I agreed we should move forward with the process. My husband and I prayed some more and poured through the page of children and their bios. It was so hard to choose just one - we narrowed it down and went with who we felt God was leading us to.  Her name is Miranda and she will turn 15 on November 1st. In Miranda's bio she stated she really wants to learn ballet, loves working on computers, has won awards for cross-country running, and does not like to eat meat. We think she will be a good fit for our family.

We have just told our kids about what our plans are and they are so excited. They understand completely the financial sacrifices we will need to make.

If everything works out, Miranda will arrive sometime at the beginning to mid- December. She will come here with just the clothes on her back. Miranda is cleared for adoption so we will be praying while she is here for God to reveal to us if that is His plan or maybe, that we introduce her to someone who would consider adopting. And, that may not be God's plan at all, it may just be for us to open our home and hearts to this orphan over Christmas. We have no expectations other than doing our best to love on this child. And that is our Christmas wish.

Most importantly right now, we have until just November 1st to complete all of our paperwork and begin work on fundraising {nothing like waiting until the very last moment to get everything done}. Would you all join us in praying and, if you feel lead, help with a donation.

Click here to be taken to our fundraising site.

Thank you friends for your prayers!!!

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