
Friday, November 16, 2012

Just One Month ...

I can't believe in 30 days we will be meeting Miranda! We are working through our "to do" list and preparing for a busy few weeks leading up to her arrival on December 16th. We have a jam packed calendar of Christmas activities - not to mention wrapping up our Fall Semester at Timothy and a Choir Musical which all the kids are in at church. I am kind of glad that all of this falls on the calendar before Miranda's arrival. Our lives can get pretty crazy during the holidays but, by the time she arrives things will be winding down and we will just be able to enjoy Miranda and a good old-fashioned Christmas.

Here is a little update about how things are coming along ...

We have had so many wonderful friends who have stepped up to pray for us and Miranda. We have received several large donations toward our hosting fees and that coupled with the scholarship Miranda received means we have less than $1,000 until we meet our goal!

We put up a Christmas tree in our entry way {pictured above} this week and every family who donates or gives in some way to help bring Miranda here or help provide for her needs once she has arrived gets an ornament on the tree. We think it is going to be a great visual aid in showing Miranda how many families were involved. This journey is about so much more than our family. It is about our family trusting in God to provide and seeing him work through all our friends. Such a great example of His love!

Miranda's bedroom is ready and an assortment of night time outfits, casual clothes, and undergarments have been purchased by my friend, Tammy. {God has blessed me so much through my friendship with Tammy - as always she has been with me from Day 1 of this journey. Thank you so much friend for always being ready to come along side and offer your help.}

Our sweet son, Devin, came to me Wednesday night and said "Mom, I want to help raise money to get Miranda here so I am going to see if people will sponsor me and I will walk 10 miles". So thankful, for his kind heart and grateful for our friends and teachers at Timothy who all donated. My wonderful friend, Tammy, is going to walk with him. We decided to divide the walk up. Devin has never done more than a 5K so tomorrow he will do a 10K and then another 5K in the next day or so.

So, what's left? We have a social worker visit in less than two weeks and then a full day training class for Daune and I on December 1st. I am also still working on securing a dentist and eye doctor who would be willing to donate their services - one of the requirements for hosting is that we provide those check ups for Miranda. If we are not able to find a dentist to donate everything - I have at least found a coupon for a dentist in our area who does a new patient visit for just $99.

So, that is our update ... exciting times! If you feel lead to help us finish strong with a financial donation to our hosting fees we would greatly appreciate it!! We would also appreciate your prayers - not just for us but, all the families who will be hosting this winter. Here is a link to our donation site - remember all donations are tax deductible.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What an amazing opportunity! I pray your time with Miranda is an amazing one.
