
Sunday, December 30, 2012

2 Weeks with Miranda

So hard to believe ... it has been 2 weeks since we met Miranda and brought her into our home. This past week was filled with more fun adventures. We visited the World of Coca Cola with Miranda and her chaperone, Dace. Dace is amazing and it was so nice to spend a whole day with her. She was able to fill in a lot of blanks we had in regard to Miranda's life {so many things Miranda has attempted to tell me in Google Translate just have not come through - words do not always translate and I was left guessing many times what she meant}

Dace and Miranda both loved the World of Coca Cola and we were so thankful for the sweet blessing Coca Cola gave us by donating tickets for our family to visit.

Lexi and Ava Mae loved sitting on the couch used in the 2009 season of American Idol.

We have also enjoyed more shopping {thank you sweet friends for all the gift card donations!}... lots of gifts for kids at Miranda's orphanage and her director and the workers. Miranda's favorite thing - "Hello Kitty"!!

And, this was the message I received a few days ago on my phone from Miranda via Google Translate. It is going to be hard to say good bye in two weeks. No matter what ... I was reminded today of God's promise - there is hope in Him. So happy to be able to expose Miranda to the love of Jesus for the first time in her life.  Praying we have planted seeds that will continue to grow!

1 comment:

  1. Well, now I know where NOT to take Dace. How cool that you got tickets donated. What a blessing! We have also been amazed at how God has opened doors to make everything possible. Miranda's comment made me sad. I am not looking forward to the good-bye part.
