
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

6 Days ... {day 3 with Miranda}

Day 3 ... Miranda continues to emerge and become more and more outgoing. The kids are having so much fun!

Miranda loves all of our pets ... their names are some of the first words she spoke here at our home. She also has learned to communicate with them and tell them to come or our dog to sit. She even said "Maggie I love you".

It is exhausting, as Miranda is having so much fun she jumps from one activity to the next with lightning speed - it is hard, I won't lie about that but, remembering this is a mission experience for my family. Keeping it all in perspective and having good friend I can talk to when I am at the point of needing a break really helps.  

Miranda took it upon herself yesterday to show the kids how to make tons of bubbles with dish soap and a straw.

In the afternoon, she made 3D snowflakes with expert technique ... I am going to have her make some more with the girls tomorrow.

We also found she loves jumping on trampolines!! Thankful today for the Pearson family who brought us dinner and breakfast for tomorrow morning. For one of my very best friends, Tammy, who came to my rescue and allowed so much needed - energy to be expended on their new trampoline. Also, so thankful to my husband who at the end of the day helps me keep things in perspective and took all the kids to the McDonald's play area so that I could have a few moments of quiet in the house!

Keep praying everyone as our journey continues ...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like she is having a wonderful time. So glad you have such a great support group to back you. You need those moments of quiet and reflection. Enjoying reading your blog and having someone to share this journey with. :)
