
Monday, January 14, 2013

Four Weeks with Miranda {time for good-bye's}

Twenty-eight days ... our time with Miranda has come to an end. The last week seemed to be a blur ... there was so much to do. On top of school and extra-curricular activities starting back we had just seven days to fit everything we had left to do and saying good-bye to all of Miranda's new friends.

Miranda had stated in her bio listing that she really wanted to learn ballet. We were so happy that our ballet director agreed to have her join Ava Mae's per-invitational level class. Miranda was a natural. I wish we could have done more than a week but, our school was on holiday break for most of the time Miranda was here.

Last of the required appointments while Miranda was here ... a trip to the eye doctor. Thankfully, Miranda's eyes have not changed since her last appointment in Latvia and she only needs her glasses for reading.

Our sweet friends, The Hanback's, had us over for brunch the Friday before Miranda left.

There were also lots of playdates with friends ... Miranda did not want to spend a second at home during her last week. We were out and about every day.

But, before we knew it we were at the end ... we attended the Farewell Party hosted by New Horizons for Children at a jumpy place in Atlanta. Miranda and our kids had a blast! It was good to see Dace, Miranda's chaperone who we spent a day with, at the party. It began preparing us all for the good-bye.

On Saturday night, we hosted a Good Bye Party for all of Miranda's new friends she had made here in the States. I allowed her to write up the guest list herself and we also invited our Sunday School class who has walked this journey with us from the beginning and been so supportive.

The party was so much fun ... all the kids had a blast. The end was hard ... three families whom she had grown extremely close to were the last to leave and there were lots of tears. Miranda sobbed for another ten minutes after everyone left and we consoled her the best we could. I was so glad I had everyone complete a page in a small scrapbook for her return trip. We finished up the evening adding cards and letters written to her. {Loved the sweet heart of my friend Tammy's son ... he wrote Miranda a page long letter in her native language sharing how much he had enjoyed meeting her and his favorite bible scriptures. I snapped a photo of her reading the letter.} Everyone also brought Miranda small items for her backpack ... gum, candy, stickers, an art journal and pencils, bracelets. We had a feeling the journey home would be filled with sweet memories when she would pull out these items and remembered her friends.

Miranda flew out early Sunday morning - I am not posting pictures from the airport ... it really was just too sad. I don't want to remember Miranda that way. I don't want those memories to steal the joy we felt over the last 4 weeks. I am not sure what God's plan was for Miranda while she was here ... I explained to our kids sometimes God does not reveal that to us. We followed his command to get her here and that was our part in this journey. Miranda left behind so many lives she has touched in those short 28 days we spent with her. Lives like ours, that will be changed forever. {I will blog more soon about our decision not to adopt ... right now it is too heartbreaking to share.} The good news is that so many of us love Miranda and are praying for her each and every day. I wrote on the last page of her scrapbook that no matter what we are always here for her and will be praying God's protection over her.

This morning I was blessed from my first message from Miranda {we have set up an account on a social media site in Latvia that allows us to communicate} "I had a good trip home, I am sad. My friends all loved the gifts. I love you." We are sad too Miranda ... we are sad too.


  1. How touching and we shall pray for Miranda too. I am sure it is hard on all of you but treasure the joy!

    BTW, I was given the Liebster Blog Award and wanted to pass it on so I nominated you If you want to participate you can find out how here.


  2. I am hopping over from Mosaic Reviews to say hi and to follow your blog. I look forward to becoming a new reader of yours. See you around! ~Elyse/Oiralinde

  3. Saying hey! Making the rounds from MR! :) Have a great weekend! :) Looks like a fun time, even if it was too short..
