
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter {2013)

Easter 2013 will go down in the record books as the one where we were either recovering from or down with the stomach flu! After three years of virtually no illness other than a few sniffles here and there we succumb to this horrid norovirus strand going around. I was the last to end up with it on Easter Sunday - I thought I might actually get out without becoming infected but, alas that was not in the cards.

Thankfully, from Good Friday through Saturday we were all well enough to enjoy some of our Easter traditions. On Good Friday the kids made a cross and we added some of our sins to the cross - a symbol of what Jesus died for on the cross. On Saturday, we opened up the Easter Story eggs and the kids all did a great job helping to tell what each item stood for.

We colored Easter eggs using our very favorite method ... crayola crayons on very hot eggs. The colors melt so beautifully and give you a lot more decorating options.

I love the fact that there is no messy dye to deal with or the smelly vinegar!

Lexi made a beautiful egg for a sweet child who we love and miss so much!

And, no Easter would be complete without resurrection rolls ... which I don't know if I will be able to stomach seeing ever again. Maybe a year from now ...

Hope you had a wonderful Easter celebration - celebrating Jesus' glorious resurrection!

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