
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Last Day of Timothy {2013}

Last Day of Timothy ... I had two fun classes I taught this semester. I was so sad to see these classes end. A few of the kids will move on to new schools but, I am hoping to see many of these precious students back this fall.

Our last class together in Loom Knitting ... we finished up our service projects.

We ended up with sixteen hats total to be donated to a charity that distributes them to hospitals to be used in the NeoNatal unit.

Our last class in "Little House in the Big Woods" was picnic day ... some of the kids even came dressed in period clothing. We enjoyed snacks outside in the beautiful weather and playing games using only our imagination.

I don't know where the time went to this semester ... it seems like a blinked and it was over. Maybe being so busy with an adoption had something to do with it. Loved all my sweet notes and gifts from these precious kids on our last day together!

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