
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hymn Sing {2013}

Hard to believe but, this is it ... we are wrapping up our 2012 - 2013 school year. I know being completely wrapped up in our adoption over the last few months contributed to the last five months seeming like a blur. Between keeping up with our school work, extra-curricular activities, and all the paperwork and appointments that our adoption brought with it - I am kind of surprised I still have any brain cells left.
We are enjoying all the fun that the end-of-year activities bring with them ... last Wednesday night was the kids' Hymn Sing. Devin, Lexi, and Ava Mae all received their Hymn Memory Awards this year. So proud of them!

For Devin it was a special night because, as a 5th grader he was graduating from Children's Choir. I have to admit it was a little bittersweet. Devin's Hymn Memory Award was a special Hymnal with his name engraved on the cover.

Devin pictured with the AMEN Choir Director, Ms. Pamela. She is the most amazing choir director ever!!

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