
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Our GIANT Yard Sale {Adoption Fundraiser}

This weekend we had another large fundraising event for our adoption. We have spent the last month collecting donations of items from friends and, even complete strangers who had heard of our adoption and wanted to help in some way. {Thank you to everyone who spread the word about our sale via social media.}

We have so many people to thank for helping out with the sale ... 

Wednesday and Thursday of last week we worked hard at sorting and tagging all of our items with the help of my friends, Tammy and Christina. I also had an awesome friend who made signs to go all over, thank you Kelly. And, thanks to Christina and her husband who placed those signs as they were driving out of town.

Friday morning, we were up bright and early ready to get everything out and ready to go ... a HUGE thank you to my friend, JJ and her two boys, who helped us getting everything out of our house and garage and onto all the tables. The morning work crew showed up soon after and got to work making all the tables look great! Thank you Kelly, Robyn, Tammy, and Debbie for all your hard work. I know having everything displayed so nicely helped with the sale of so many items. I have to also say thank you to several of my friends' boys who worked the sale and helped load cars with goodies purchased. A special thank you to Wesley - who went above and beyond to help set up and make sure every electronics item was in good working order, when we wasn't loading customers' cars.

Thank you to Kerrin who came by with Krispy Kreme donuts ... not once but, twice during the morning! That was a huge morale booster!!!

Friday afternoon, we let the sale continue to run until we had no more customers - around 5:00pm. Then it was time to pack everything up due to the fact that the weather was going to deteriorate and rain all evening and the next day. We went with Plan B and moved tables into our garage and home. Thank you to Jennifer and Carol who came over with their children and helped us start moving items inside.

Thank God for precious friends who take all your children for the night so you can completely crash. My head hit the bed at 7:00pm and I did not get up until the next morning - bright and early. 

Saturday morning, I awoke around 4am and heard the rain ... a little disappointing but, I was thankful we had Plan B in place. So, my husband and I were up early once again to put that plan into action. Thank you to Jennifer and Tammy who were back bright and early to help us reset. We had two shopping areas - our garage and lower level of our home. {So fun trying to make sure the shoppers were only looking at the items we had for sale and not everything in the house.} I was a little worried when by 9:30am we had not seen one shopper but, I think everyone just got a late start - by 10am we were slammed. Lots of shoppers - praise God! By 2pm we were wrapping up and not believing how much we had sold! We were able to bless another family - fundraising their New Horizons for Children summer hosting fees - with our items that did not sell. We helped them pack everything up and were were left with just a small pile for donation to Goodwill.

Also, thank you to Kerrin and Bill - who got out early Saturday morning and attempted to bring us some tents to get set up and protect a few large items outside of our garage!

And, the most wonderful news {insert drum roll here} ... we made $2,000 from the sale and a very sweet family {who wishes to remain anonymous} donated another $2,000, this completely funds our Lifesong for Orphan grant. That means we have $8,000 towards our first trip to Latvia!

As I wrote on Facebook after our sale ... we truly are blessed far more than we deserve with the most wonderful friends who worked just as hard, if not harder, than us to make this sale such a success.


  1. Very awesome!!! Yay, God! Glad you have such a great support system/community around you :-)

    Praying as you guys continue onward!

  2. Hello! I have an adoption fundraising idea I'd like to share with you. Could you email me at


    Matthew Lee
