
Sunday, June 2, 2013

As One School Year Ends ... Planning Begins

I feel like this past school year was a blur ... I am amazed we accomplished as much as we did! Last week I was able to wrap everything up with our standardized testing and, then began the process of packing away our school work. During the summer the kids will continue to work on math, reading, and journaling. I just held their math books out as we have plenty of additional practice pages in the back of their Abeka books they can use. They are super excited about bringing those to Latvia ... NOT.

So, as I wrap up the 2012-2013 school year, planning for 2013-2014 is in full swing. The kids and I attended a 3-day practicum last week, for our new school for next year. We are making a move into Classical Conversations. All three kids will be in the Foundations program and Lexi and Devin will also be in Essentials. The kids will also be enrolled at their enrichment school too - my husband and I will be teaching three classes {Anatomy and Physiology, Loom Knitting, Creative Writing-my husband teaching}. So, at least for the fall, we will be out of the house 2 days a week. We are super excited to begin CC in a great community with many friends.

As I began planning our 2013-2014 school year, I am looking at some different possibilities for Math, including switching to Teaching Textbooks for Devin. We are going to go back to utilizing Story of the World for History. Hoping to score the audio CD's at our homeschool groups upcoming Used Curriculum Sale. For Science we will be going through Apologia's Exploring Creation with Anatomy and Physiology.  We will also be doing several activities tied into our week's memorization work at CC. Miranda will work all these subjects with us along with working through an ESL program.

I am preparing for this to be a big transition year for us ... with adopting another child we will definitely need to have flexibility in both schedule and our schooling. I have to admit though, right now as we sit and wait for travel dates to Latvia, I feel like the fall is an eternity away.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you all! Wishing that we were waiting anxiously for the hosting planes to arrive. I loved the thrill of the airport and experiencing all the new things with the hosting program. Maybe another time. Anyway, I hope and pray that your paperwork is cleared soon and you are on your way! We are going to try TT, 5 and prealgebra this year. I realllllly wish we had a CCC near us. I would LOVE to try it! My oldest will also be doing SOTW 2long with Mystery of History 2. I have so much more fun planning it than they have doing it though! Glad you are safe from the storm last night too!
