
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mini Family Reunion {2013}

Last weekend we took a short trip up to the mountains of North Georgia and North Carolina for a mini family reunion. My parents treated everyone to lunch at one of our favorite mountain cafes and then it was off to the Dillard House to roam the grounds.

It as great getting to see everyone - especially my sister and her children and my brother's fiance. Being the oldest of ten children, it is a rare treat to get to meet up with almost all of my siblings. In fact, there were only two missing.


We even got some hiking in around a waterfall up in Highlands, North Carolina. Dry Falls is unique in that you can hike behind it. Trust me it is far from a "dry fall". The beautiful sound behind the falls was deafening but, amazing!

We reminded ourselves that the next family reunion we will be a family of six rather than just five.

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