
Monday, September 1, 2008

And So It Begins ...

The summer has flown by and now I find myself reflecting back finding it so hard to believe that tomorrow we begin our first day of school for the year.

We are enjoying a weekend of swimming at our club and cooking out to celebrate the end of summer and beginning of another homeschool year.

We have had a great summer! We were able to get away to Asheville, North Carolina to visit my family and then a few days in Hilton Head. We enjoyed lots and lots of swimming this summer and with both older children swimming on their own and our youngest finally old enough to be in the pool by herself it was a relaxing summer by the pool for me too!

This year we are doing an eclectic mix of Charlotte Mason and Classical Schooling. We are in a great homeschool support group which is comprised of families from our church and all three kids are in a co-op school on Fridays. This year we have added a school area to our home. I am sure we will still homeschool around the whole house but, it is nice to have an area for all of our stuff. Thanks to IKEA it was not real expensive.

I have also, finally, decided on the bible scripture for our year ... "To every thing there is a seaon, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

This blog has come about as a way to document our year and for all our friends who always ask what it is like to homeschool. Join us on our journey as we begin our third year of homeschooling!

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