
Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Day of School and a Trip to the High Museum

I can't believe the first week of school is behind us. Albeit, it was a short week and with a field trip thrown in.
I think we are starting to settle into a little bit of a routine. Beginning school work no later than 9AM has not been easy but, the kids are slowly coming around. Our school day looks a little like this right now.
8AM - Kids Up, Breakfast, Morning Chores
9AM - Bible
9:30AM - Poetry
9:40AM - Handwriting
10:00AM - Language
11:00AM - Math
Noon - Reading
12:30PM - Spanish - History - Art - Science (depending on day of week)

Of course, this schedule is in a perfect world but, it is at least a rough draft of what it is we do for schooling each day, Monday - Thursday. Fridays the kids are at JFBC for Timothy Classes and afternoons are being saved for service projects we are working on. Right now, I have taken on the responsibility for the food at our Church's Fall Festival. So the kids and I will be working on pricing and then securing everything we need for that in the coming weeks.

Last Thursday, was our first field trip for the school year. We were able to see the special exhibit being housed right now at the High Museum. Seeing ancient artifacts from a time period we studied last year was so fun for the kids. Devin and Lexi both commented that they could not believe they were looking at items that were made before Jesus walked the Earth. Our youngest little one was sick on Wednesday and so my husband offered to stay home with her so we could attend the field trip. I think it was a blessing in disguise as it was so nice to walk through the exhibits without a three year old in tow, who more than likely would not have liked the fact she could not touch anything. After the High we ventured over to my sister's restaurant, Quattro, just a few blocks away. We all enjoyed a great lunch and the kids had fun running around in Piedmont Park. After we got home I asked both kids what their favorite part of the day was. Lexi replied, "being with all our homeschool friends and singing Miley Cyrus songs with Muriel in the car on the way to the musuem". Spoken like a true social butterfly. Devin said, "I was a little disappointed as I was hoping to see mummies but, it was still fun." He said he was also happy that one of the moms let all the boys ride in her mini-van to the museum.

After finishing this first week of the school year and now rolling into our second week I am pretty happy. I feel so blessed that God has placed this calling to homeschool on my heart and that he has put such wonderful women in my life that are also taking this same path.

I will post pictures soon of the field trip and first day of school. My plan had been to do that this weekend but, I came down with this yucky virus my kids have all had. So, I spent two days in bed.

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