
Sunday, December 21, 2008

4th Sunday of Advent

Wow ... I cannot believe it is the 4th Sunday of Advent. It seems like just yesterday it was Thanksgiving. Of course, it has not helped that I have been sick for over 10 days now with pneumonia. It has really, it seems, expedited Christmas.

Earlier this week I was really questioning in prayer how it is I would come down with pneumonia in such an inopportune time ... with no family around to help, I could not figure out how I was going to finish up all those little details that a Mom needs to get done before Christmas, when I feel so horrible. In moments like that I try to remind myself that "If God brings me to it ... he will bring me through it". With that change of thought also brought dear wonderful friends with offers of help. My very good friend, Jen came over yesterday and baked Christmas cookies with my girls, then today she showed back up to wrap all of my Christmas presents, tomorrow she is heading out to finish some little items I needed for the kid's stockings. My dear friend, Tammy came over this past week and took the kids to her house so I could get some much needed rest, she went grocery shopping for us and, then, brought us food for two dinners. Yesterday our HFC Leaders and very close friends - the Roach family brought us soup, dinner and a frozen lasagna for later in the week. Today, after an elder prayed for me at church, we were blessed with more offers of help for meals and watching the kids. How this has humbled me ... God is so good and he truly cares about me and my family and provides for us!

So, tonight, as I lit the 4th candle of Advent "Joy" - I did so with Joy in my heart!

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" 1 Thessalonians 5:16 - 18

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