
Thursday, December 18, 2008

7 Days and Counting

With just 7 days until Christmas the kids excitement level is growing. Devin came to me yesterday and said "Mom I am so excited about Jesus birthday and I am trying not to be so excited about presents." I thought that was the perfect statement to sum up the way all three of our children are feeling about now.

I have been down with pneumonia since this past weekend which has slowed us down quiet a bit, though to my children's dismay we have not cancelled school work.

Here are some pictures from the past week ...

Last Tuesday, our homeschool group's fieldtrip to Back to Bethlehem - this is one of our favorite field trips every year.
Lexi visiting with a fruit vendor at Back to Bethlehem.

Lunch after Back to Bethlehem ... pizza buffet.
Last Wednesday night at JFBC, Ava Mae's 3 year old Christmas Choir Program.

Lexi's American Girl Christmas Party - a group shot.

Our service project for the party ... wrapping gifts for a family we have adopted for Christmas. Many of the girls brought items to donate, along with what we had already purchased.

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