
Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Second Sunday of Advent

This weekend has been one where I have barely had time to catch my breath ... where to begin:
Ava Mae's class at Timothy had a Nativity Play on Friday, and she played Mary.

Saturday, was Christmas Jubilee at our church where I was in charge of part of the planning along with teaching a class on Christmas Traditions.

Today at church our family had the honor of lighting the second candle of Advent. The evening ended with Devin and Lexi performing at JFBC with their Children's Choir. We then enjoyed the Christmas Packages Program they were holding at the church.

Tomorrow I host the Women's Ministry Team at our home for our team's Christmas Party.

I think after that I will crash for a day or two. All of these weekend events were wonderful and I would not have changed attending or participating in any of them but, wow, how is it that everything gets crammed into a period of just a few days.

I am looking forward to Family Night on Tuesday evening where we can spend some downtime together as a family just enjoying a Christmas movie and sitting by our fireplace.

And, let's see, can I count shopping, cooking and cleaning tomorrow as school work with the kids? Maybe Home Economics??

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you were busy! Glad it all went well...and now you can breathe for a minute. That picture of "little Mary" made my heart leap. What a little doll she is! One more thing, we enjoyed your stories during the advent candle lighting so much! We LOVED hearing about the Irish traditions! Thanks for making the extra effort to make your time so meaningful!
