
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Summer Plans

I love the flexibility that homeschooling allows us and to help keep our schedule flexible during the school year, we continue to school through the summer. Our schooling though, during the summer, looks a lot different than the rest of the year. Our primary focus is Math and Reading, not just reviewing the past year but, moving ahead to new concepts.

So, this summer our plan is to continue working through our Horizons Math Workbooks. Devin is going to continue memorizing his multiplication tables and Lexi is going to work hard on getting a good understanding of money and time. I really hit the jackpot at the Used Curriculum Sale I attended when I scored a ton of used books and readers for the kids' summer reading list.

We will also continue our Nature Study this summer. Our focus being vegetable gardening. For the most part we are container gardening but, we are also planting two blueberry bushes, that already have blueberries on them.

Of course, we will also have fun lazy days at our pool and the kids are signed up for several camps that they are looking forward to -- so all in all I think we will have a nice balance. I am looking forward to a change of pace! I don't think summer can get here soon enough.

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