
Friday, May 1, 2009

Teaching a Craft

Yesterday I taught the first in a series of classes on rubberstamping. I opened the class up to the girls in our homeschool group and we had a great class! The girls were all so sweet, well-mannered and so purposeful in their creations, it was truly a joy and a blessing in my life to teach them. Pictured above are two of the projects we completed - a Father's Day Card and a Tin with a crafted Paper Flower and little tag. The last project was a Mother's Day Card and I must keep that under wraps so it can be a surprise for the Moms.

Rubberstamping is a love of mine and I have so enjoyed sharing it with many women. I am so happy that I can now share this craft with the young girls in our homeschool group. I love Charlotte Mason's philosophy about teaching children a craft that they can grow into and use, for the rest of their life.

1 comment:

  1. I too enjoy many of Charlotte Mason's ideas and we also homeschool.

    I admire stampers, but am not one myself. I keep hoping that my children will pick it up and excel, but so far they have just dabbled their toes in, no real interest. That said, a class sounds like a great way to jump start their interest.

    That looks like a lot of fun.

