
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dusting Off my Event Planner Hat

Prior to kids I was a Professional Event Planner. I handled everything from corporate events, to small receptions, to $100,000 weddings. It was alot of work but, also, alot of fun and a career I really enjoyed. After I began having children it became obvious that I could not devote the time I needed to this career and I ended up closing my company.

I have since enjoyed planning events for friends, offering up my skills for the Women's Ministry Team at church - planning events and the Women's Retreat. My brother approached me a few months ago about possibly helping with a few things for a large scale event he was planning in Asheville, North Carolina. I have now taken on an official role for the event as the VIP Experiences Coordinator for Grand Slam Asheville. I am handling the VIP Reception and other special experiences we have come up with for this fun event.

It has been great to dust off my Event Planner Hat and jump right back in though, in retrospect, I can not imagine doing something like this during the school year. Right now, I can easily ask the kids to go read quietly or watch a movie while I answer the deluge of calls and emails. So, the timing for this event was perfect. It also helps that when we do things like run to the pool, I have my iPhone I can work from.

The funny thing is all the press coverage we have already received ... including, Sports Illustrated picking up the story and running it on their website devoted to Wimbledon Coverage, even mentioning me by name.

It is going to be an exciting summer though, I think we will all look forward to our week long beach vacation after Grand Slam Asheville in August.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Birthday Celebration on Marietta Square

Today was my husband's birthday and so we spent the evening on Marietta Square. Daune had requested our favorite pizza place on the Square and ice cream at a place across from the park. Daune loves the Braves and the Red Sox so his birthday gift was tickets to a game this Friday night for him and Devin. It was a surprise and Devin and him are both excited about the game.

I am so thankful to have such a wonderful husband and a chance to celebrate him this evening!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Girly Girl Stamp Camp

So, after two weeks of my kids being in camps it was time to host a camp of our own. Today I hosted six girls for a Girly Girl Stamp Camp. These precious girls were so much fun and their projects really turned out well. I love sharing my hobby and in true Charlotte Mason fashion I am hoping to instill a life long love of paper crafting.

I had some great help today ... Devin and Lexi made lunch for all the girls and my dear friend, Tammy, hosted Ava Mae at her home for the day so that I could focus on the girls at the camp.

This last shot is the carnage after 6 projects and 4 hours of stamping ... you can actually see two of the cards we made on the table. Now, I must prepare for the American Girl Stamp Camp in July.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Stamping for Missions

Last night I hosted a few ladies from my church as part of a Dinner Party Auction I participated in. The auction raised money to send two different mission teams from our church to Cherokee, North Carolina and Slovakia. I donated a Ladies Night Out that featured a light summer dinner and rubber stamping. We made six projects and, as in years past, we had a great time just talking and laughing the night away.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Another Week of Camps

This past week Devin and Lexi finished another week of camps. Devin was enrolled in Higher Power Baseball Camp and Lexi in FCC (Fellowship of Christian Cheerleaders) Competitive Cheerleading Camp.

Devin loves baseball and did not mind being in sweltering heat all week long from 9AM - 3PM. He would come home every day covered in red clay dust excited to return the next day. Of course, one of his favorite parts of camp was when they were given baseball cards and some time to trade them.

Lexi enjoyed a week of Competitive Cheerleading, something she has asked to do for the last two years. Lexi would really like to do Competitive Cheerleading in the Fall and, so, this was her first taste of what it would be like. She loved it! Now, she is just trying to convince her best friend to love it too so they can both compete this Fall.

Lexi's favorite part of Cheerleading Camp ... stunts.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Camp Winshape ... Thanks for the Memories!

Devin and Lexi finished up at Camp Winshape today with the Chick-Fil-A Family Fun Day. My husband, Ava Mae and I were able to follow Devin and Lexi around to all their tracks, and participate in Opening and Closing Ceremonies plus, Chick-Fil-A lunch was provided for everyone. This was Devin's second year at Winshape and Lexi's first. It is an amazing camp, the counselors are sweet and caring, the activities are wonderful and, the message the kids take away is always great.

Counselors lead all the tribes in opening music to get everyone moving ...

The last talon is awarded to the "Ocean"tribe.

Daune, Devin and Ava Mae at Town Square.

Lexi on the balance beam at gymnastics.

Closing Ceremony ... the SkyHawk from the Atlanta Hawks performed his flying feats, while teaching everyone how to rely on God.
Devin was selected to give dunking a try ... I was scared to death wondering what he was actually going to do. Thankfully, Devin decided not to try and fly at the last second and just shoot a basket.

Devin with his Camp Counselor. We did not know until today that Devin was awarded camper of the day, for his tribe, on Tuesday.

Lexi and her super sweet Camp Counselor.

Lexi, Devin and Makayla enjoying a Chick-Fil-A lunch.

Camp Winshape ... Devin and Lexi thank you for another wonderful week of camp memories!! See ya next year!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful for ...

Devin and Lexi being able to attend Camp Winshape, today they were sporting their "tribe" Ocean shirts.

Friends to enjoy our Club pool with, Ava Mae with Sophie Z and Reese M.

Elliana and Ava Mae enjoying playing with bubbles after swimming and lunch at our Club.

Our summer container garden!

Some free time this week to serve at a ministry in downtown Atlanta, time to work on Fall school plans, and time to plan for the upcoming "Girly Girl Stamp Camp" I am teaching.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Small Acts

This past year in school the kids and I focused on how we could be the feet and hands of Jesus ... especially to those who may not know him. In fact, one of our family rules is "Look for ways to serve others selflessly with no thought of reward or self-gain". The problem I find I have with mercy ministry is thinking that everything we do has to be on a large scale. Recently, I began reading a book "Small Acts of Grace", it has helped me to rethink the way we do things. It has given me peace in our small acts ...

Today I had the chance to serve at a summer camp for underprivileged children in downtown Atlanta. It is an opportunity that I have had for the last few summers and one I have always enjoyed. Our church signs up for dates to serve lunch to the 50 - 80 campers they have. We prepared one of the camp favorites today, taco salad.

Ava Mae decided a few weeks ago that she wanted a way to serve homeless people ... she came up with the idea of doing chores around the house to earn money. It is not a lot but, with watching sales and using coupons we are able to purchase items that a local food bank needs for just pennies on the dollar.

Lexi loves making cards for people, we found a special rubberstamp she could use on the inside to let the recipient know that we are praying for them.

We pray that God will continue to place in our lives ways, large or small, that we can be Jesus' feet and hands.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Graduation

Congratulations to my sister, Emily! I was so honored to be asked to create her high school graduation announcements. I wanted something special and I found a unique design that would allow her Senior picture to pop up as the announcement was opened.

So with the help of a talented friend we set to work on the design and this is the final product.

My parents are throwing Emily a graduation dinner in her honor and though, due to our kids' camp schedules, we will not be able to make it, we will be there in spirit!! Emily, we look forward to celebrating with you in July!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First Pool Day for the Summer

Yesterday the kids finally talked me in to heading to our Club for a swim. I love swimming, as do my fish, I mean kids, the hard part is getting in the pool for the first time each summer. I try hard to make sure that first day of swimming is warm ... really warm. Once I sit in the sun for awhile, I feel like jumping in even if the pool water is freezing.

This season so far we have had a lot of rain and some cooler days and mornings, keeping the pool pretty cold. Yesterday though was perfect, our first 90 degree day, not a cloud in the sky, the absolutely best pool weather! We had to be home at a set time as I had plans for the afternoon so it was a quick 2 hour swim, rather than our marathon swimming sessions which can go on for 4+ hours. Plenty of time for those later this summer. We are looking forward to many more pool days this summer ...