
Saturday, July 25, 2009

For Today from my Simple Woman's Daybook...

Outside my window... the sun is setting on a warm July evening.
I am thinking...
what a wonderful week it was at VBS!
From our homeschool room... excitedly awaiting new curriculum for the coming school year to arrive!
I am thankful for...
finally getting a chance to get to the salon yesterday and get new highlights and a haircut. For the bouquet of sunflowers from my husband and kids after a long week.
From the kitchen...
this week I made lemon bars with blueberries for the VBS volunteers. They were a big hit!
I am wearing ... shorts, t-shirt, flip flops
I am reading... Lessons at Blackberry Inn by Karen Andreola (a great Charlotte Mason book).
I am hoping...
for a restful weekend.
I am creating...
this week - invitations to Devin's Baseball Birthday Party.
I am praying... for all the kids who attended VBS, for our new school year which begins in a month, for my husband and children.
Around the house... catching up on laundry, grocery shopping, and cooking out tonight.
One of my favorite things... going to our pool, something we have missed this last week!
A few plans for the coming week...
swimming, girls at ballet camp, working on an art project with a friend, cleaning house, pet sitting a friend's dog.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your daybook! Do you share your lemon blueberry bar recipe? :)
